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How to keep blood pressure normal?

world today

 Blood pressure or hypertension refers to the increased blood pressure against the arteries, which over time damages the blood vessels and can lead to heart. kidney disease as well as stroke. Medical experts call blood pressure a "silent killer" because of the fact that the disease has not shown any symptoms for years. According to a report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 75 million Americans suffer from high bloodpressure (normal blood pressure should be 80 to 120 mm Hg but high blood pressure). Or this level increases during hypertension).

There are a lot of causes of high blood pressure are not under the  control of a human like as age factor, family factors, race, sex, etc. But there are also factors that are under human control, such as exercise and a healthy diet. Let's talk today about  the some of the ways in which blood pressure levels can be kept normal.

Weight gain control

Excess weight can cause high blood pressure. Overweight peoples also have irregular breathing during at night time during sleeping. which is called sleep apnea a type of sleep disorder in medical science. Weight Losing is one of the most effective ways to control the blood pressure. If you are also obese  you can control your blood pressure through weight loss.

Generally" by losing your weight per kilogram" you can reduce your blood pressure by one millimeter of  Mercury Hg.  Do you know that The ratio between men and women can be more or less" in addition to loss weight " you also need to keep an eye on your waistline. If  man,s waistline is more than 40 inches" Then it is a sign of danger" while in women" if the same waistline is more than 35 inches' it is also a sign of danger.

Exercise regularly

Patients' those  suffer from high blood pressure  they need to set atleast 150 minutes a week and 30 minutes a day for their Physical activity. Regular exercise will lower your blood pressure level by 5 to 8 mm Hg. "If you suffer from high blood pressure"  then it is very important for you should do  exercise daily as not doing so you can increase the blood pressure.

Patients with high blood pressure, if they continue to exercise regularly, this process helps to protect them from hypertension, as well as helps to keep blood pressure levels normal. Somw Aerobic exercises also can lower a person's blood pressure include (walking jogging" cycling" swimming' and dancing.) According to experts, strength training is also necessary for patients with high blood pressure two days a week for which the patient should consult a physician.

Balanced diet

The role of foods is very important in controlling or raising blood pressure.

world today

The food that is low in sodium along with potassium" magnesium" and fiber can be very helpful in lowering your blood pressure. By following a diet plan consisting of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, low fat dairy products, saturated fat and low cholesterol, a person can lower their blood pressure levels by up to 11 mm Hg. Anyway this is not very easy for a human being to change their eating habits" But if you follow these tips  then you can make a healthy diet plan a part of your life.


Develop a  balanced diet plan" Write down what you should eat, even if it is a weekly diet plan. Highlight your eating habits, such as what do you eat? How much do you eat And when to eat? Monitor it all.

Consider increasing potassium: Potassium can reduce the effect of sodium intake on blood pressure, however it is more beneficial to use fruits and vegetables instead of tablets to get potassium. You should talk to your doctor about your potassium levels and what is best for your body.


Be the best buyer: Be careful when buying anything, that is, when buying any food, carefully study the nutrients in it and its quantity.

Best Foods: Foods that can help control blood pressure include green leafy vegetables, garlic, beets, carrots and fruits, including bananas, watermelons, strawberries and blueberries, while dried fruits include pistachios. In addition, the use of olive oil, skim milk and yogurt is also useful.

Low sodium in the diet

If you have high blood pressure, even a small sodium deficiency in your diet plan can improve heart health. The effect of sodium levels on blood pressure varies from person to person, usually 2300 mg or less per day for children, while for adults it is limited to 1500 mg.

How to make sodium deficiency possible?
You should  must  Consider the following tips to reduce the amount of sodium in your regularly diet.
 * Be sure to check your sodium intake before using any diet. Use ony soft drinks and foods wich are low in sodium.
 * Reduce the use of
processed foods because natural foods usually contain less sodium while
processing foods include sodium. * Food does not
taste good unless salt is added, however a teaspoon of salt contains 2300 mg of
sodium. So increase the use of herbs and spices in your diet as an alternative.


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